Baby Safety Month is here! As parents, safety is our number one priority, especially as it relates to the world of baby products and gear. We are always looking to find products that will help enrich our children’s lives while making things just a little bit easier! In honor of Baby Safety Month, we have partnered with MAM as well as other brands that join us in keeping our babes and tots safe! These brands all keep safety at the top of their priority list, even as they create and update their product lines. Take a look at some of their favorite safety tips here:
Tip 1: Safe Sleep ABC’s
2016 was the last time the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated their safe sleep recommendations. Many parents are unknowingly putting their little one’s down without following the safe sleep ABC’s: Alone. Back. Crib (or bassinet). We recommend an easy to use swaddle, like Love To Dream’s Swaddle UPTM from birth so you don’t have to worry about baby breaking out of a swaddle blanket. Choose size according to baby’s weight, not age. Stop swaddling as soon as baby shows signs of rolling and transition to arms-free sleep, like the Swaddle UPTM 50/50 Transition Bag. Check out our favorite swaddle, Love to Dream’s safe sleep page, for more safe sleep tips!
For more of Love to Dream’s products, take a look here!
Tip 2: Crib Safety
Piggy-backing off of the Safe Sleep ABC’s, your crib set up is also extremely important in creating a safe sleep space. Keep it clean and simple. Remove any stuffed animals, blankets, or anyting with soft surfaces that could possibly block baby’s airway during sleep. Provide a firm mattress – like those from our friends at Colgate – with a fitted sheet. Do not put a blanket on the baby or in the crib and again, be sure to lay your baby on his/her back.
Tip 3: Pacifier Safety
Consider pacifier usage when placing baby down for sleep and remember that the pacifier may not be reinserted once baby falls asleep. Pacifier use is shown to reduce the risk of SIDS. MAM supports the AAP published guidelines for pacifier usage. Check them out here:
For more information about pacifiers and how they reduce the risk of SIDS, visit
Tip 4: Wifi/Monitor Usage
Many parents use a monitor, which gives them peace of mind as their little one adjusts to his/her new surroundings. When setting up your monitor, be mindful of all cords! Keep them more than 3ft away from your child. As wifi monitors/nursery products become more popular, it is also important to keep the wifi products in your nursery secure from web intruders. Do NOT use wifi products that have default credentials or that run extra programs, otherwise known as “backdoors.” And only use wifi products with secure encryption. For more information on wifi monitor safety, check out the features on the Nanit Pro!
Tip 5: Helping Baby Sleep
The dreaded first cold often pops up at some point in the first year. Unfortunately, there aren’t so many ways you can help your little one feel better. However, cool-mist humidifiers are a safe and natural way to thin baby’s mucus when congested. They also alleviate symptoms that may be preventing your little one from getting a good night’s rest such as dry skin, bloody noses, sore throat and dry cough.
For some great humidifier and air purifier options, check out our friends at Crane-USA!
Tip 6: Out and About with your Carrier
Carriers are extremely helpful for new (and/or experienced) parents. They provide you with the option to be close to baby but still have your hands-free. This is especially helpful when you have an older child –i.e. toddler—running around the house. To ensure that you are using your carrier safely, keep baby visible and kissable! By keeping your little one’s head at a kissable height when in the carrier, you can easily monitor baby’s airway. Plus, the snuggles are LIFE!
Check out carriers by Baby K’tan here.
Tip 7: Toy Safety
When your little one is up and ready to play, it’s important to keep a close eye on his/her activities. Watch out for small parts as little ones tend to explore first with their mouths. Always double check the seams of soft toys to make sure no stitches have popped loose. Stuffing is a choking hazard. Opt for high-quality, well-made toys that will hold up to hours of daily use.
We love the toy selections from our friends at Mouse Loves Pig.
Tip 8: Car Seat Safety
While all car seats have to pass certain safety tests and standards, there are two main components to car seat safety: fitting the seat into your vehicle and fitting your child into the seat. A correctly installed car seat should not move more than 1” in any direction when testing tightness at the belt path. Always make sure you have the right seat for your child’s age and measurements, and ensure the harness is snugly tightened so that you cannot pinch the material over the child’s shoulders. For more information on car seat safety and for help with car seat installation, visit our friends at Tot Squad!
General Baby Safety
The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) sponsors Baby Safety Month to help educate parents and caregivers as they go through product selection for their children. Always remember to read product labels and warnings before using any product. Continue to inspect your children’s items as they experience wear and tear over time and look out for any product recalls. Visit JPMA’s Baby Safety Month Page for even more tips and tricks!
Thank you for the opportunity
Would love to win
Good luck to everyone!!❤️
These are great tips for keeping baby safe.
What a STELLAR giveaway! This is a dream come true to an expecting mommy. Wow!! My daughter is expecting my grand daughter on December 21, 2019. What a sure blessing this would be to win such an amazing and thoughtful gift!!
how do you enter – would love to win this
This is so amazing of a giveaway