Happy New Year! As a weight loss coach for women and also a body image & confidence coach, I know how challenging it is to lose weight fast and make it last on diets or with different exercise programs. That’s why I’m here to share with you 3 tips to make sure that your resolutions are emotionally charged to give you the results you want! I even coached one of my clients to lose 83 lbs in just 12 weeks. Anything is possible when you follow the program!
Tip #1: Emotionally charge your goal or resolution by focusing on how you want to FEEL once you’ve accomplished the goal. If your goal is weight loss, don’t focus on the number of pounds you want to lose. Focus on how you want to FEEL and how fitting into a size 10 jeans is going to feel. How will you feel when you look in the mirror? Attach emotions to your goal and repeat this to yourself at least once per day. The ladies in my free 21 Day Challenge are encouraged to share their emotionally charged goal in our private online community. (You can join us for free here.)
Tip #2: Have a support system of like-minded women supporting you and cheering you on. Get your girlfriends and husband on board to celebrate in your successes. Even small successes, such as working out for an extra 30 seconds, should be celebrated! Success breeds success, so continue sharing the positive things you’re doing for yourself. We have the ladies in my free challenge doing this on social media using #stepitupwithsteph
Tip #3: Improve your relationship with yourself. If you hate yourself, why would you be nice to yourself, eat healthy food, commit to exercising, or do good things for yourself? Emotionally beating ourselves up is one of the ways we sabotage our efforts. There’s no “guilt” if you eat an extra cookie. It was just an unhealthy choice, and then it’s time to move on! There aren’t any “cheat” days. You wouldn’t cheat on your husband, right? Instead of cheat days, there are just unhealthy choices. My 30 Day Workbook focuses on boosting self-esteem and self confidence and changing your relationship with how you view food and exercise. (It is available here.)
Remember to strengthen your relationship with yourself and find a support system! Emotionally charge your goal and you WILL be successful!
For more about Steph and to join her Free 21 Day Challenge, visit our website.
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