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Did you know that October 2nd – 8th is International Babywearing Week? This week we teamed up with BabyBjorn to highlight some of their most popular baby carriers and see how real moms from around the country use their BabyBjorn carriers. Today’s real mama is Jessica Quirk, of the well-known style blog, What I Wore (she’s also an author!). Jessica is here to chat about pairing babywearing with mama style using her Denim BabyBjorn Baby Carrier One. Read on to see why Jessica loves this carrier!
BabyBjorn’s Baby Carrier One is the ergonomic babywearing choice that makes it easy for you to give your child the closeness and security they need, while you keep your hands free. Easy to use and adaptable to the needs of your growing child, it’s BabyBjorn’s most popular baby carrier. Your child sits comfortably and can move their legs freely, thanks to the adjustable seat area. With the Denim Baby Carrier One, it’s easy for you to switch between several front and back babywearing positions. The baby carrier has a sturdy waist belt and padded, form-fitting shoulder straps that relieve pressure on your back and shoulders and make it comfortable for you to carry your child from birth and up to the age of three.
Here’s what Jessica had to say about the Denim BabyBjorn Carrier One:
We’re big fans of baby wearing in our family and we’ve done so with both our kids since they were born! Now that Bea is getting a little heavier, I’ve upgraded to a baby carrier that has enough support for both of us! I’ve been test driving the Denim BabyBjorn Carrier One for a month and a half and I’ve been loving it! I’ve worn born soft cloth baby wraps and carriers with buckles and supports and this particular style has been most comfortable with a larger sized baby (Bea is between 15-20 pounds these days!!). In particular, I really like the adjustable upper back support (it can slide up or down to just the right spot) and the easy to hook and unhook closures, which make getting Bea in and out a literal snap.
I also really like this color way – it’s a blue denim look that goes with just about everything in my closet. When I know I’ll be baby wearing, I like to keep my tops lightweight and with interest on the sleeves versus the front or back. A lightweight striped sweater like I’m wearing in this post is perfect for a cool fall day. As for baby, sometimes I like to go matchy matchy or just complimentary colors.
Thank you to BabyBjorn for making this sponsored post possible.
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