If you are preparing for your little one to begin eating solid foods, you might find yourself quickly overwhelmed. Plates, spoons, cups, highchairs, bibs, baby food makers, where do you even start? Here are some of our top faves for your foodie baby!
- OXO Tot Roll Up Bib: Let’s face it, mealtime can be messy. As your baby is learning to maneuver food from their plate to their mouth, there’s a good chance they’ll miss a few times! The OXO Tot Roll Up Bibs have a pocket to catch food and securely velcro around your baby’s neck. They also roll up to take on the go! What more could you ask for in a bib?
- EZPZ Mini Feeding Set: This plate and utensil is one of our favorites for starting solids with your baby when introducing finger foods. These plates are designed to stay put on tables and high chair trays. With 3 sections, the plate is easy to serve with multiple options and textures at one time. The silicone is easy to clean and utensils are perfect for tiny hands to grasp and begin to manipulate.
- Munchkin Stay Put Suction Bowls: These bowls have a suction cup on the bottom to help them stay put when you are prepping food, feeding baby, or letting baby self-feed. They are also microwave-safe and top-rack dishwasher-safe!
- Beaba Babycook Pro: If you plan to prepare your baby’s food yourself, the Babycook is an exceptional help! With a steamer and food processor in one device, you can enjoy less dirty dishes and an easier time making meals or batches of baby food to freeze and store for later. Prep fruits, vegetables, and even meat or fish from raw to any stage of baby and toddler food in 15 minutes. The 4.7 cup capacity bowl is top-rack dishwasher safe for easy clean-up too!
- Mamieli Introducing Solids Set: Overwhelmed with all the options of bibs, cups, plates, and more? The Mamieli Set has a sampling of utensils. cups, bowls, and bibs from multiple brands. It also contains a great Guidance Booklet to help you navigate your little one’s solids journey. One purchase with everything you need!
Bonus: Glowbowl: Are you looking for an easy way to introduce your baby to flavors from around the world? Are you hoping to incorporate different textures and add-in exposure to common allergens? Meet Globowl, a baby food company inspired by food around the world. Glowbowl can save you time and energy while reducing future picky eating, food allergies, and more!
You can check out these product recommendations in our Foodie Baby collection on Audenticity!
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