Pregnancy is a blessing but sometimes it felt like a curse and I feel so guilty…
Now that my baby is a year old I feel like I can talk about this topic. I always get asked this question from moms who struggle during pregnancy because we as new moms feel so guilty. I am so in love with my daughter but my pregnancy was so horrible. If I were to even think about another baby I would want to wait a few years before I even decide whether to have another one. When I was pregnant I threw up multiple times a day, and during each trimester it increased. I was sick and nauseous all day long but I hated lying around all day and doing nothing more then being sick so I gathered my strength and always made it to the gym.
In my first trimester I went to the gym 5-6 times a week. In my second trimester 4-5 times a week and in my 3rd trimester I still worked out 4-5 times a week but some of my workouts where from home. I stopped working out around 8 ½ months because I was throwing up so much that I broke my tailbone while doing so.
Pregnancy is not always glorious even though we are carrying a blessing inside of us. I was very negative about my pregnancy, and you know what? It is OK. I wanted my baby; I was just unhappy I was so sick – but being so sick actually made me a better mom. I appreciated not feeling sick and when I was able to fully be myself again I seized the moment and strived to reach my goals once again.
Even though my pregnancy was horrible, I would do it all over again for my little mini. She is the best gift I could ever ask for. Moms who are struggling with their pregnancy and start getting depressed I suggest trying to have some healthy shakes full of nutrients and make your way to the gym (unless going to the gym is against your doctor’s advice.) If you’re cleared by your OBGYN to go to the gym, do some light cardio and get your blood flowing, and just leave the house! Being cooped up all day will make you even more depressed. If it is nice out, don’t even go to the gym – go for a walk.
Be active because the benefits of being active while you are pregnant will increase your chances of an easier labor and help your baby grow inside of you healthy and strong.
Don’t forget it is natural to be upset and you are doing great – just try to be positive each day by getting your mind off your thoughts. Also, remember you don’t know how amazing you will feel when you become a mom. If you want me to talk about something else leave your comments below.
xo Christina Vargas
Follow along and get fit with Christina Vargas on her website, Facebook and Instagram.
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