When it comes to designing a nursery for your little one, the bedding you choose is very important – for safety, for design, and for comfort. Today we have the designers from Caden Lane, a gorgeous baby bedding company here to help you pick baby bedding for your registry. You can find Caden Lane on their website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Baby Bedding is a must have for the nursery, but is it something you put on your gift registry? Definitely! Or at least we think so. Who doesn’t need crib bedding when they’re expecting a baby? Not many. So that makes it a perfect item to add to your baby registry!
We like to say here at Caden Lane that the bedding can help set the tone for the rest of the nursery, or maybe we just think that way because we design all of our nurseries with the bedding in mind. No matter how you start envisioning your dream nursery though, there is going to be bedding on the crib. And what’s better than your friends and family helping to create the perfect space for your baby to grow up in? If you’re still hesitant don’t worry. We’re here to help answer the top 3 questions about adding bedding to your registry.
What Crib Bedding Items Should I Include on a Registry?
Well, like many questions with your child the answer is – it depends. What you should add is going vary based on how you envision the look and feel of the room as well as your personal preference. If you want to go with a sleek modern look it might only include a crib sheet – or five, if we’re being real here. Or if you imagine a more refined and elegant space, it could include everything from the crib skirt, sheet, bumpers and/or crib rail cover, crib bows and a matching blanket. It’s completely up to you and your preference, Mama!
We’re all for adding everything you want to your registry and then being okay with it if not everything was purchased. There’s definitely no reason to not include something that you want for your baby on the registry! Even if you’re not sure that you really need it. Unsure if you’ll use the changing pad cover that matches the crib sheet? Add it. With a baby, especially if it’s your first, it’s best to be over prepared. You never know what might become a savior or what might not work for you until you try it.
How Many Do I Need?
Everyone always wants to know how many they’ll need of something. And it’s a big question for good reason – every baby is different. Your baby might spit up or have diaper explosions every other night – or you could go a week without needing to change a crib sheet. You live and you learn what works for you, but to start out these are our general recommendations
Crib Sheets – we recommend registering for at least 3 crib sheets – you are going to have to change one in the middle of the night and will need a backup. And if you end up needing more you can purchase it when the need arises.
Crib Skirts – just one, if you are using one on your crib. They are great for hiding storage under the crib!
Crib Rail Covers – this depends on your crib. You may just need one for the front of your crib, especially if it has a high back or sides, or you might want 2 if the long sides of the crib are the same, depending on the position of the crib in the room. If both sides are open you may want two, but if one long side is up against the wall there’s less of a chance for baby to start chewing on it.
Bumpers – one set should definitely suffice
What About the Price?
If you are adding the whole shebang to your registry, it’s nice to add the items individually or turn on group gifting, if possible, to avoid a higher than necessary price point for a gift. It helps everyone pick and choose what they want to give and gives you a better chance of receiving all the items you’re hoping for.
If you have a crib in the nursery, it might be difficult to wait and not just purchase this yourself to get the room looking more polished, but if you can wait a while it might just be worth it! So keep that vision of your dream nursery in your head and pick out your favorite bedding that makes the room perfect – and then put it on your registry. The absolute worst thing that will happen is that no one purchases it for you and then you buy it yourself anyways, but might as well give them the chance, right? Right.
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