Here at Gugu Guru, we love when moms support and encourage other moms; when we learned about Ashley Gartland Coaching, we knew we wanted to share it with all of the new and veteran mamas out there. Ashley is a life coach just for moms; her mission is to help all moms find their purpose and passion, while being a great mom and taking care of themselves, too!
GG: How did you decide to launch your business? Tell us a little more about life coaching for moms.
AG: The shorter version of my story is that I’d been working as a freelance food writer for about a decade but felt called to do something different. My career was great but I wanted something more. I’d always kept a list of “dream careers” hidden in my desk drawer and life coach was at the top. Shortly after I had my second daughter, I realized I could keep that list hidden and play the waiting game indefinitely. Or I could start exploring what it would look like and what it would take for me to pursue what I saw as my purpose beyond motherhood. So I did a lot of research and started working with a coach myself. Then I signed up for an intensive coach training to get certified and built the business I dreamed of as a life coach who helps moms find fulfillment beyond motherhood.
The moms I work with today absolutely love being moms but they also know they want something more for themselves. In either one-on-one coaching sessions or in my group program, Bold Mom, Balanced Life, I work with these moms to help them explore their passions and find their purpose beyond motherhood. Our goal is to create a balanced life that allows them to be the kind of mom they want to be and also be a bold woman making a difference in the world. That feels like a big goal at the start but as we work together these women learn that it is absolutely possible for them.
GG: How do you balance work and family?
AG: Any work-from-home mom will tell you that the lines between business and family often blur – and I’m ok with that because I think it’s important for my daughters to see me dedicating my energy to something I really believe in. But family will always be my foundation so I make sure it remains a priority by having some routines in place. For example, my day starts and ends reading and snuggling with my daughters and we always spend Friday nights together as a family eating pizza and watching movies. These simple rituals make sure that the balance never tips too far toward work – and I have similar routines I use to make sure I’m giving time and attention to my work and clients as well.
I also believe that balance should look different for everyone so the real key to balancing “it all” is figuring out what balance looks like to you first. For me, a balanced life includes time for family, time for my business and time for myself. I don’t give equally to all those parts all the time but I know they all have to exist in order for me to feel like I’m living a balanced life.
GG: What’s the best part of being an mompreneur?
AG: The freedom to set my own schedule and be the kind of present mom I always wanted to be is absolutely a benefit of being my own boss. But the best part of working as a life coach is that my daughters get to see me putting my energy into a career that I love. They see how much it lights me up to do meaningful work and help other women and I hope that leading by example in this way will inspire them to go after their dreams when they are grown too.
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