For this week’s mompreneur spotlight, we sit down with Ericka N. Perry, CEO/Founder of The Stork Bag – the first ever reusable pregnancy subscription bag, curated with 8-12 products to meet your trimester and postpartum needs.
GG: How did you decide to launch your business? Tell us a little more about The Stork Bag.
EP: I launched The Stork Bag in 2014 after my best friend found out she was pregnant for the first time. I remember searching for the perfect care package to send her but coming up short. During that time I discovered there was no product out there that matched my needs so after about 4 weeks of planning, The Stork Bag was born and it has been history ever since. Having the opportunity to do what I absolutely love and serve a population that I am passionate about has been the most amazing part of my journey thus far.
GG: How do you balance work and family?
I have a schedule for everything! My kids know when its snack time, bedtime, quiet/reading time, etc. I use schedules to maintain sanity but more than that, I am a person who works well with deadlines. Scheduling helps me keep everything in focus and prioritize to get things done efficiently and effectively. I also am not afraid to seek help when things start getting too busy, which is why I rely on my team to help me maintain a comfortable balance and prevent me from work-overload.
GG: What’s the best part of being a mompreneur?
The flexibility to have time to spend with my family. Although, I work harder now as a mompreneur than I ever did working outside the home, the best part is being able to somewhat dictate my own schedule. I also have a passion for motherhood and take pride in being able to help promote other women-owned brands. Being a mompreneur gives me the platform to help promote, encourage and inspire and that is what I intend to do before it’s all said and done.
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