As a new parent, one of the first and most necessary places you will take your little baby is to the grocery store. However, as you will quickly realize, there is no easy way to fit a week’s worth of groceries in your cart with baby in tow. If you place their entire infant seat in the body of the cart, there is literally no room for the food, and most strollers don’t have extra room for boxes of cereal, fresh fruit, and meat! What’s a busy parent to do? As a mother herself, the founder of Binxy Baby, Lisa Pinnell, came up with the perfect solution: the Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock!
The Binxy Baby Hammock is created from two layers of upholstery weight fabric and reinforced seams, making it safe and secure for up to 50 pounds of weight. Utilizing two sturdy 12 inch clips on both sides that hook over the edge of the shopping cart, which are then secured to the shopping cart with a strong velcro strap, the Binxy Baby Hammock meets or exceeds all safety standards. With the combination of the clips and velcro, you can rest easy knowing that the Hammock will not tip, slide, or move with your baby inside.
Simply pick which color Binxy Baby Hammock works for you, throw it in your diaper bag, and strap it on to the cart at the store. Your baby will be securely strapped in, comfortable, and you will have room for the groceries! Is your baby asleep in their infant seat? No worries, tucked inside a pocket on the Hammock is a special strap specifically made to hold infant seats in the Hammock. Assemble the Binxy Baby Hammock as you normally would, place the infant seat on top, and use the special seat belt to secure baby’s infant carrier to the Hammock. Safe and easy!
Have multiples? You can use two Binxy Baby Hammocks at one time, making your shopping trip a whole lot smoother (or, as smooth as it can be with two babies!). Binxy Baby Hammocks can be thrown in the washing machine for easy clean up, and then placed back in the diaper bag or purse for the next shopping trip. You don’t have to stress out about taking your infant into the world anymore (or worry about lugging the whole infant seat into the store!), Binxy Baby Hammock makes it possible for you to continue living life and running errands.
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