Our Real Mom Reviewer, Shawna, is crazy about the Zoe XLC Single Stroller! Shawna tried the Babyzen Yoyo and the Mountain Buggy Nano V2, but feels the Zoe is superior to the competition. Read her thoughts and details about the Zoe XLC below.
Shawna W.: “Not only is the Zoe sleek looking but it is the easiest umbrella stroller to use by far. With one simple movement, you can open and close it. It also folds up to be extremely compact with a strap that allows for easy carrying. I have tried two other popular brands and the Zoe has exceeded both in appearance and practicality. For a mom on the go, I would highly recommend this product!”
What you need to know about the Zoe Stroller:
- The Zoe Stroller is great for travel and everyday use.
- It only weighs 11 pounds, accommodates a child up to 50 pounds and features an amazing canopy.
- When folded, the stroller fits in a small trunk or overhead compartment of an airplane.
Click here to add the Zoe XLC Stroller to your registry.
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