It’s no shock that working moms have a million plates to juggle on a daily basis; never is this more true than when a breastfeeding mama returns to the workplace and has to also juggle pumping, too! We asked out team for their best time saving tips for working moms to share, what are your best time saving tips for working moms?
- Keep a calendar: When it comes to time saving tips for working moms, our top tip is to keep everything on a calendar; it may seem time consuming at the outset to put all of your important dates in a calendar setting, but believe us, it will save you time down the line. It takes way longer to look for the email invite to the birthday party than to simply peep into your Google calendar – double time saving if you share the Google calendar with your signifiant other or sitter! If you’re more of an old school calendar working mom, we love the personalized calendars from Parabo Press (which also make a great gift).
- Plan your clothing for the work week: one of the daily hassles working moms encounter is figuring out what to wear for work every day! We recommend planning your outfits for the week ahead of time. Make a mom-uniform for yourself and stick to your favorite colors and what feels comfortable. If you’re pumping at work, make sure your outfits are pumping friendly.
- Pump with Ease: Speaking of pumping, make sure you choose a breast pump that is easy to use and can help you multitask at the same time! We’re big fans of the Motif Luna Breast Pump for working moms. We love the Luna Breast Pump for many reasons, but one is that you can totally multitask while pumping with the Motif Luna Pump, as it features a soft, low purr that doesn’t disturb co-workers, phone calls or sleeping kiddos. Plus, It’s also one of the lightest pumps on the market, which means it is easy to commute with and can fit into any bag. We’re also fans of their Motif Breastmilk Storage bags; having stored breastmilk is a huge time saver, and these bags help get the job done. They feature an easy-pour spout, leak-proof double zippers, and the self-stand design makes it easy for refrigerator storage. Plus, they can also lay flat in your freezer to maximize space.
- Outsource, outsource, outsource: Working mamas simply do not have time to do it all, and that’s simply okay! We’re huge fans of outsourcing everything we need – from grocery delivery to diaper delivery and more. We’re big fans of Abby + Finn diaper delivery, as it is super easy to customize your needs and the diapers are top notch quality. KIDBOX is another fave of ours to make your life a little easier, as they will handpick clothing for your kiddos and send it straight to you – no need to head to the shops or even spend time online shopping!
- Meal Plan: Again, it seems counterproductive to sit down and meal plan for the week, but believe us, when you go into the week knowing what dinner is every night, it will save you so much time later on! Check out this post for helpful meal planning tips (and don’t forget to stock up on VeeTee rice for work lunches and dinnertime, too).
Thank you to Motif Medical for making this sponsored post possible!
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