What do you really need when bringing baby home from the hospital? Obviously, you won’t need your high chair, convertible car seat, or even the bulk of your little one’s clothing. But there are a few things that you’ll want to have on hand to make your transition to parenthood seamless for you and baby.
A Safe Place to Sleep + Swaddle
It’s easy to forget about setting up a safe place to sleep, as it’s both so obvious and necessary. We look to the AAP when discussing safe sleep recommendations, and follow the ABC’s of safe sleep.
A- Alone : Baby should sleep in his/her sleep environment on their own.
B- Back: Put baby down to sleep on his/her back.
C- Crib: On a firm, flat environment, like a crib (or bassinet/playard) without any extra blankets, stuffed animals, or bumpers.
Baby should also be swaddled tightly with a swaddle blanket or a wearable swaddle.
Easy Clothing Options
It is so hard to avoid buying clothes for your little one. But, the reality is that it’s best to hold off on purchasing too much. Once you know how your little one is growing, it’ll be easier to buy clothes for the right size and season. Stick with onesies and PJs that are easy to get on/off. Check out our full overview of Newborn Clothing here.
Diapers, Wipes, Ointment
Diapers, wipes, and ointment may seem obvious, but sometimes they’re the easiest items to forget. Stock up on one box of newborn diapers and a box of size one. While you may need to order more newborn diapers, all diaper sizing will overlap and you don’t want to end up with too many extras. One container of ointment is great for the start, but stock up on wipes. You will use them for years!
Feeding Supplies
No matter how you are planning to feed your little one, you will want to be stocked with the right supplies. Like every other category, be careful not to overbuy. You won’t need breastmilk storage on day one, but you will want to have your nursing bras/tanks if breastfeeding. If you’re bottle-feeding, you may want to buy bottles in both small and large sizes. However, you really only need large bottles. You can always fill with a small amount of breastmilk or formula! And, make sure to purchase slow flow nipples if your large bottle doesn’t come with them. If you’re going to pump, plan on securing your breast pump before your little one arrives.
Postpartum Care for Mama
It’s easy to spend all of our time and energy putting together the necessities for our little ones, but don’t forget about yourself! You have just delivered a new baby (or possibly babies) and you will need to have some postpartum necessities to make yourself a bit more comfortable. Disposable Underwear, Perineal Spray (or Balm), and Organic Cotton Pads will make you feel just a bit closer to normal.
If you’re recovering from a C-Section, take a look at our Recovery Must-Haves.
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