We polled our Gugu Village for their top baby registry tips! We share expert advice all the time, but this time we wanted you to hear it from mamas who have been there themselves. Check out their sage advice below.
- Don’t register for too many clothes. People like to pick out what they think is cute, and they grow out of them so fast! -Vanessa S.
- The checklists on most registries actually help BUT NO you don’t need everything in every category of the checklist. -Cayli M.
- Even if you don’t plan on having a baby shower. Make a registry (or few from a few different stores) and use the % off coupon they give you for unboughten registry items, which are items you would be buying any way and you save money. -Cayli M.
- Add items that you would rather not buy yourself. Ex: don’t add tons of books or clothing since you’re most likely going to buy those items yourself anyways. -Cayli M.
- Don’t bother putting baby towels/washcloths on it. They usually come in a gift pack and you will likely receive several! -Abby M.
- Ask for diapers of size 3+ or cloth diapers as they go through the small sizes quick! -Abby M.
- Don’t add clothes. People will gift them to you regardless. And make sure you check stuff out and research for yourself. You may find that you aren’t a fan of something that others are huge fans of (ie: a certain stroller or car seat, diaper bags, etc). Also you do not need to spend big bucks on stuff. Baby isn’t going to know the difference if you have an Uppababy or a Graco stroller. Buy what you like and what fits your budget. -Samantha F.
- Don’t register for newborn or 0-3 mos. You don’t have any idea how big or small baby will be at birth and you’re almost guaranteed to get stuff you don’t need or want—my first needed preemie and my second was almost too large for NB when he came out. don’t register for size N or 1 diapers. Do 2+. People will send that stuff whether it’s on the registry or not. –Katie W.
- Don’t register for blankets. Crib & bassinet sheets, yes, blankets no. –Katie W.
- Do register for your preferred hygiene items, especially baby shampoo, powder, and other consumables you’ll use over and over. –Katie W.
- Put your big ticket items on the registry. If someone buys them it’s a lovely surprise; if they don’t, you get credit/discounts. -Katie W.
- Don’t add baby bottles. Get the free registry gift bags or swag bags from baby events you attend. They come with lots of baby bottles and pacis that you can save and try on baby once they are ready to bottle feed. You don’t know which bottle your baby takes so best to keep one of a couple different bottles. Once baby takes to one buy a pack of those bottles. -Edith G.
- Do ask family and friends for any hand me downs before registering. -Alison F.
- Do register for the better crib mattress and any crib conversion kits. -Alison F.
- Don’t register for 1 specific brand of diapers. Register for smaller boxes and a variety of them. You never know what will be best for your baby. -Alison F.
- Register for things you will need postpartum care take out gift cards , cleaning service , laundry etc. -Sheila S.
- Register for something YOU want for now or postpartum (massage, etc) not just what you NEED for baby. -Daron O.
- There are a million options for everything and there might need to be some trial and error for certain items. –Hilary B.
- Places like BuyBuyBaby and Bed Bath and Beyond are great for registry items because they have such good return policies in case you find you don’t end up wanting or using things you register for and there will always be something you need to use gift card or credit on. -Hilary B.
- Treat yourself to a glider. Not a rocker. I didn’t know the difference and I wish I had gotten the glider. -Lauren G.
- Diapers on top of diapers. Best gift ever. -Francesca R.
- Other moms mentioned it but register for things for YOU and your healing! That is what you will need immediately postpartum. Seriously the first few weeks the baby needs so little – a place to sleep, some clothes, swaddles, diapers, burp cloths, bottles if you’re bottle feeding and a paci. You, mama, need things to help your healing and that is too often overlooked when it comes to registering- welcoming a new baby means you had to birth said baby and your registry should reflect that! -Laura S.
- Gift cards! You usually need and want way different things once baby is here! -Michelle A.
What do you think? Did we miss anything?
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Check out more Registry Tips:
Why You Need an Online Baby Registry
The Ultimate Target Baby Registry
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