The team at Gugu Guru is constantly updating and improving our site to serve our users. If you have a question or recommendation, please don’t hesitate to email us at hello [at] guguguru [dot] com. We read every email we receive and will reply.
Here are five very important things we want you to know about Gugu Guru:
1. We NEVER accept payment from brands to be recommended.
All of Gugu Guru’s recommendations are 100% organic and based on data from industry experts and other moms like you. In fact, we are so new that many brands haven’t even heard of Gugu Guru (yet). So rest assured while you build your registry that brands cannot pay to be recommended and that is our promise to you.
2. Get new product recommendations from within Registry Manager.
Access your Registry Manager at any time by logging in and clicking “My Registry”. Not entirely pleased with your recommendations or want to change the answers to some questions? Just click “Back to questions”.
3. We’re adding new products all the time but that shouldn’t stop you from adding what you want.
Something else you want to add from Amazon or another website? No problem! Just click the “Add A Product To My Registry” link within the registry builder and our team will add it to your registry.
4. Help is just a click away!
We’re here to help! Just send your registry to a Gugu Guru expert before publishing it. One of our baby registry experts will review your registry with your style and lifestyle profile and provide feedback, as well as answer any questions you may have.
5. Use our Must Have and Nice to Have buttons to indicate what you really need.
Gugu Guru gives you the choice to indicate to gift givers which gifts you really need versus the ones you’d just like to have. When gift givers come to your public registry, they’ll also be able to sort the items by your Must Haves and Nice to Haves, helping them shop by increasing the chances that you’ll get all the items you really need.
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