We are excited to announce that adorable mama Morgan Suarez will be guest blogging all about working out while babywearing – the fun way! She will be here once a month to guide you through very simple and fun exercises which you can do while wearing your little one. Today’s workout? You can do it Trick or Treating! Cool. You can follow Morgan on her blog or Instagram.
Trick or treat!
Yes, lots of treats. It’s that time of year where the sweets are flowin’ and the calories are showin’. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. You might burn some calories walking around and trying to keep up with those sugar-hungry kiddos, but that simply will not compensate for what you’re about to consume by stealing your kids’ Halloween candy while they’re asleep (yes, we all do it). Lucky for you, there is a way to slightly combat the unwanted effects. You may get some confused looks from your neighbors, but joke’s on them because you’re about to kick those calories in the booty and feel less guilty about stealing that candy. You’re on your own for the moral dilemma, however.
Here are some easy baby-wearing workouts you can do while trick or treating.
A thigh burner to the max, and easily executed whilst your kids are skipping from house to house.
Calf Raises
If you’re smart and go to the neighborhoods with the best candy, chances are you’re not alone, and there will be lines outside of each door for those king sized candy bars. Wait proactively by doing some calf raises.
Bicep Curls
While walking, or standing and waiting, utilize that heavy bag of candy your kid made you hold by doing some bicep curls. Squeeze your elbow into your side, extend and bend, flexing your bicep as you bend. Do this with hand out to the side and well as directly in front, but make sure to squeeze your elbow in tight.
Arm Raises
Again, while walking or standing, utilizing that heavy bag once again, keep your arm straight and raise it to the side at shoulder level then lower.
Hold your arm at shoulder level and pulse up and down a couple inches.
Keeping the arm at shoulder level, bring it in front of you, then back out to the side.
While walking, simply kick your legs, alternating each one. Keep your core tight for balance, and hips square. This should get your heart rate up while working your abs and quads.
At the end of your trick-or-treating venture, your muscles will be feeling all sorts of jello-y and you’ll be ready to pig out on some treats. And as the holidays continue, stay tuned for more baby wearing workouts to keep you in tip top shape (literally) throughout the season.
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