It’s the time of year when all a mama wants to do is hunker down with her little ones and stay cozy! We rounded up some cozy and adorable baby products – these would make wonderful baby shower gifts or add them to your registry.
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Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit: Transitioning from being swaddled to not being swaddled can be difficult on some baby’s sleep; Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit gives baby a warm, cozy, and comforting feeling to help them fall asleep faster, and stay asleep, too! The Magic Sleepsuit is designed for babies who are ready to transition from the swaddle, yet still need that cozy and contained feeling to aid in their sleep. Made with soft, comforting materials, the Magic Sleepsuit will give your baby the sense of security and warmth they need to sleep well through the night. This is a wonderful piece of baby gear for traveling because it keeps baby feeling secure wherever they are sleeping. Use in Winter months with a simple onesie and you’ll never have to worry about baby being cold at night! Use code GUGUGURU15% for 15% off!
Nook Niche Feeding Pillow: This 100% organic, luxuriously soft, and breathable pillow is the perfect accompaniment for breastfeeding and bottlefeeding to keep you and your baby cool and cozy. Made from non-toxic and sustainable materials, this pillow has a plethora of uses and will last well beyond baby years. The Nook Niche Pillow makes a great sitting prop for baby while he’s learning to sit on his own and is works wonderfully for elevated tummy time. For the older kids, it acts as a comfy body pillow, and mom and dad can even use it for side-sleeping. Baby’s not the only one who can cozy up to this pillow, as it makes a wonderful armrest for knitting, sewing, or reading. The pillow cover is liquid and stain resistant and easily washable.
Big Bee Little Bee’s Snow Angel Cushioned Baby Bath Towel: Big Bee Little Bee has solved an age old problem – where do you put a cold, wet, and slippery baby just from the bath? The solution: the cushioned baby bath towel! Made from 100% cotton, and machine washable, this helpful towel features padded back panel to protect baby from hard surfaces. The more you wash the towel, the softer it gets! The adjustable-length hood grows with your baby, and the super soft terry-velour wings allow for easy drying of arms, legs and all the bits in between. This towel takes the stress out of bathtime – simply have it on the floor ready to go and when you take baby out of the bath, lay them down and wrap them up! Because the back of the towel is super cushioned, baby will be comfortable getting dried off and oh so cozy.
Thank you to Big Bee Little Bee, Nook and Baby Merlin for making this sponsored post possible.
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