Julie McCaffrey
BabyNav Baby Planners
New York, NY
Service Area: New York Tri-State Area
How did you get into maternity consulting/baby planning?
I founded BabyNav after being a full time working mom in a demanding environment through both my pregnancies (including one set of twins) and experiencing the overwhelming load that can bring. My previous career had been based on research, organization and project management and when I applied those qualities to my pregnancies I felt much more at ease and prepared. Being able to take those qualities and apply them to baby planning and to helping new parents is a dream come true and fuels me to learn more and provide better service to each family that I have the pleasure of working with. At BabyNav, we have a true love and passion for everything maternity and baby related. We look forward to sharing our knowledge, experience and expertise with expecting parents while they navigate the process of selecting the right baby gear for their family and preparing for their new arrival.
What is the most rewarding thing about your job?
The absolute most rewarding thing about my job is when we start working with new parents and you can see their shoulders relax, hear their laughter and know that they are less stressed and able to enjoy the journey of pregnancy. It is a very special time for the families that we work with and I feel privileged that they let us play such an integrated role in that.
Are there any local businesses or individuals who offer services for new parents that you’d like to give a shout-out to?
If new parents are expecting twins, Natalie Diaz is the expert to turn to. Her online and NYC classes are filled with information for those expecting parents to get ready to bring multiple babies home. Twiniversity is a great resource and support system for twin parents.
What is one essential product that you find yourself recommending to almost all parents for their baby registries? Why do you love it?
The Skip Hop Pronto seems to go right onto every registry that I create. It is a simple product but the extra wide, always clean place to change baby can be a real saver for parents on the go. I love that it is easy to clean, holds what parents need for a few diaper changes and both mom dad are happy to use it !
Top Product Picks
1. NoseFrida Snot Sucker
2. aden & anais Serenity Star
3. Skip Hop Pronto
4. Boon Grass and Stem
5. Boba Wrap
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