One of the unique features of Gugu Guru is that we are personalized for every single family; we take great pride in making sure each family has baby gear that is ideal and unique for them. Parents often identify with lifestyles like urban living, frequent traveler, fitness, career, etc. (and almost always a combination of two or more of these types.) So, we thought it would be fun to have real life moms that self-identify with some of these lifestyles try out real life baby & kid gear and show you how it really works in the real world! We are thrilled to introduce you to all of our Gugu Guru mama styles – you can head to our Instagram page to learn even more about them – and check out each highlight for more behind the scenes, reviews, videos, and photos.
Meet our Urban Mama, Megan:
Megan is a mama of two with one on the way (check out her adorable announcement). She’s been a long time mama over here on Gugu Guru – you can see her NYC Mom Essentials, date night at home tips, breastfeeding on-the-go items, and wine pairings for kids’ TV shows. You can also find Megan on her website and Instagram.
Meet our rural mama, Kerry:
Kerry is a mama of two littles and says she is a rural mom because “We live out in the country on a 20 acre farm surrounded by family and seven cows, a bunch of chickens and a donkey! The city is only about an hour away but I’m living my best country girl life. My babies are always barefoot and usually half naked. Our tiny farmhouse is constantly a work in progress but it’s definitely my happy place.” You can find Kerry on Instagram and her blog.
Meet our natural mama, Sophie:
We’ve actually featured Sophie on the blog before and we are thrilled to call her a Gugu Guru mom now! Sophie is the mom to two girls: 6 years old and newborn, and a 16 year old stepson. She says she is a natural mama because, “I love natural, non-toxic and organic products. We try to do the best we can in raising our kids in a more holistic environment. So many goods available these days, be it food, toys, clothes are coated in harmful toxins. I opt for items that are made with love, created by parents themselves and try to shop local when ever we can. However, sometimes there are things as a mother you just need for your babe that don’t fit within your guidelines, so it is about the balance I always say.” You can find Sophie and Roseview LA on Instagram and its website.
Meet our mom of multiples, Aly:
Aly is a mama to two little girls and has twin baby girls on the way! We’re so excited to see all of her multiple mama picks. You can find Aly on her Instagram.
Meet our work-from-home mom, Alex:
Alex is a mom to three littles with one on the way (we shared her announcement because…it’s awesome) ! Alex is a WAHM because, “I literally do that! I teach a few online high school technology classes (from home!) and then my primary job is a photographer, which allows me to have a lot of flexibility in making my schedule and being able to be home with my kiddos but also still work.” She will be sharing her top picks for moms who are both full time mom and full time business mom too. You can find Alex on her blog and Instagram.
Meet our stay-at-home mom, Andrea:
Andrea is a mama to a little toddler and a brand new baby boy. She will be sharing all of her stay at home mom tips and multi-tasking picks! Because what parent doesn’t need an extra pair of hands? You can find Andrea on her Instagram.
Meet our fit mama, Kristina:
Kristina is a girl mom of two with a little boy on the way! She says she is a fit mom because, “I’ve always prioritized being active. Whatever that may look like. I may be getting up at 4:30am to get to the yoga studio or I may be running behind my double BOB after nap time in 90 degree heat (that one isn’t my favorite). Whatever it is, though, I try to move my body a little every day. We’re big fans of going on family walks to involve the girls. I try to tell them how good exercise is for their bones, and that it’ll make them grow big and strong! It’s so funny to see both of them (3.5 and 1.5 years old) trying to do lunges and squats. It’s just play time for them!” You can find Kristina (and her gorgeous photography) on her Instagram and website.
Meet our traveling mom, Mary:
Mary is the mom of two girls, a toddler and newborn, and a self-professed traveler, “Traveling is my favorite thing ever—I have lived & worked abroad, have visited 17 countries (with plenty more on my bucket list), live across the country from family we love to visit, and I am hungry to experience culture and food from all over. Traveling with kids is something I strongly encourage other moms to do, as adventures do not need to stop after having children—they make it all the more fun! I love sharing tips and product recommendations to make journeys easier, and letting other moms know that while it isn’t always easy, it is so worth it!” You can find Mary on her Instagram or blog.
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