This is my Fiona, 2 years old and enjoying her bath as usual.
Although it’s not the “cutest” topic to blog about, Fiona periodically suffers from seborrheic dermatitis. (Or you may know the more common term “Cradle Cap”.)
When I took Fiona to get her first haircut, her stylist, Vincenza, asked me what I was doing to treat the cradle cap. I looked at her with a blank stare; I wasn’t doing much to treat it because I wasn’t sure what else I could do aside from using a comb to tease it out.
Vincenza walked over to the product shelf and grabbed a bottle of Original Sprout Hair & Body Babywash and our lives have been forever changed. When the brand promises that you can kiss Cradle Cap goodbye, they keep to their word. We absolutely love this self-described “worry free” shampoo.
Original Sprout creates safe, non-toxic, high-performance Vegan hair & skin care for families. It is free and clear of all the “bad stuff”. From the website: “Parents trust Original Sprouts superior performance & worry-free ingredients. Cancer & early puberty can be linked to hormone disruption, hence no natural or synthetic hormone disrupters such as soy, yam, tea tree, lavender, parabens, titanium dioxide, formaldehyde or nano-particles are used in our formulas. In addition products are free of insect attracting honey or soda fragrances.”
After scrubbing her scalp with Original Sprout, I use the MediChoice Baby Comb that we received in the hospital when she was born. Still works like a charm.
Absolutely 100% addicted to this line and cannot recommend it enough. Find Organic Sprout Babywash on Amazon here.
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