Hey everyone – it’s Monica, founder of Gugu Guru. I am here on the blog to talk about cord blood banking. First, I want to call out the elephant in the room: we realize that nobody wants to think about anything less than a best case scenario when it comes to a child. Whether it’s pregnancy, delivery or infancy – the last thing that an expectant or new parent needs is to ruminate on the what if’s in life that will likely never happen. However, at Gugu Guru we do feel it’s our responsibility to inform our community of what’s out there, as well as some of the incredible things being done in the fields of science and medicine to treat or even prevent some of those what if’s that keep us up at night.
In our last post, we covered some common FAQs of cord blood banking including the benefits and the risks. In today’s post, we want to talk about some of the innovations and great strides being made by the medical community through clinical trials.
Did you know that cord blood banking clinical trials are helping to find treatments for diseases and developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and cerebral palsy? Scientists, researchers and medical professionals are using the stem cells found in cord blood in studies to see how intravenous infusions might be able to stimulate neuron growth and repair. In lay terms, this means that participants in the study are injected with stem cells and then monitored to see if and how the stem cells are affecting symptoms and if there are improvements.
While these clinical trials are still ongoing and not yet conclusive, imagine the possibility of stem cells being able to treat, improve or eradicate diseases or developmental disorders.
So what does this mean for you? Well, for most parents – especially science geeks – this is just a really cool “nice to know.” However, if you are an expectant parent or a parent with a child that has been diagnosed with autism or cerebral palsy, LifebankUSA Medical Affairs can provide additional information regarding ongoing and planned clinical trials that may benefit you.
Additionally, if you have a child, or know someone who has a child with cerebral palsy or autism and are expecting again, LifebankUSA may be able to offer you a unique opportunity to participate in their family in need program. Certain qualifying conditions apply.
If you’d like to learn more, please fill out the form below and a representative from LifeBankUSA will be in touch.
Advertising Disclosure: Thank you to our friends at LifeBankUSA for making this sponsored post possible. The information contained herein was prepared in collaboration with our sponsor.