Gugu Guru is so thrilled to have Alison Jacobson, AKA Safety Mom, as our resident safety expert. You’ll be seeing a lot of Alison this month for Baby Safety Month and specifically our annual Back to Sleep event where Alison will give her input on some of the products that we have featured.
Corporate spokesperson, blogger and speaker, Alison Jacobson has dedicated her life to educating parents about issues that affect not only themselves, but everyone in their family. Alison is the mom of four children, step-mom to another four and care giver for her husband with Multiple Sclerosis and son with intellectual disabilities. Alison also understands personal tragedy. In 1997 she lost her first son to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It was from this tragedy that she developed her passion as a family safety and wellness advocate.
Her ability to connect with people in a down-to-earth, uplifting and engaging manner while providing important information has made Alison a popular guest on many national television shows including CNN, Fox & Friends and Good Morning America. Through her appearances, blog and articles, she reaches millions of parents every month with advice on how to raise self-confident kids in a healthy, happy and safe environment.
Alison’s tackles some of the most serious issues facing parents including the leading causes of accidents such as drowning, falls and topple over accidents, SIDS risk reduction, cyberbullying and home safety. She is also a sought-after speaker. Her topics include managing family chaos and raising successful, emotionally intelligent kids.
Over the years Alison has worked as a spokesperson for some of the world’s leading brands including COX Communications, Toyota, Coca-Cola, AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, Proctor & Gamble and Sylvania.
Alison resides in Connecticut with her husband and her “safety kids.”
This site has very good products for moms and children. Safety is key to a healthy lifestyle.