Giving birth and caring for a newborn leaves parents-to-be with many questions. Jessica Hill, founder of The Parent Collective, realized several of her friends in the United States felt unprepared for birth and isolated when caring for their infant. In the UK, where Jessica delivered her children, parents-to-be could ask questions and connect with one another in prenatal classes. Jessica knew American parents needed a similar resource and created The Parent Collective. The Parent Collective provides parents with a safe space to learn unbiased and straightforward information about birth and infant care. We are excited to introduce you to Jessica as she shares details about The Parent Collective and why she is so passionate about this platform.
GG: How and why did you start The Parent Collective?
I had my boys in the UK and benefitted from a prenatal class which helped me and my husband to meet friends who were having babies at the same time. My early days were filled with friends and support and in speaking with moms back home, I was shocked to hear how lonely and isolated they felt, without much in the way of community long after their babies were born. I created The Parent Collective (TPC) in hopes of changing that! TPC is a new take on prenatal and parenting classes that is designed to not only provide the information you need to get through delivery and have a successful transition home with your new little one, but also to offer the added benefits of a social network to lean on long after the classes have ended. As expectant parents, we are all so vulnerable, excited, terrified about the changes that are about to happen to us and that vulnerability makes us open to connections with people who are going through the same things. It’s hard to make friends as adults as evidenced by the onslaught of mommy-tinder apps designed to help connect us as new parents. But with pregnancy as the common thread, it’s so much easier. With TPC classes, our participants develop their modern day village – a support network of couples that helps each other through illness, loneliness, marital problems, and the run of the mill baby drama. Not to mention companionship during those sometimes endless and monotonous days with a newborn.
GG: Where did you come up with the name?
The name was part of a long branding process which involved identifying words that were important to us in describing the business idea. Words like support, network, knowledge and experience. We then brainstormed a bunch of names that conveyed those and settled on The Parent Collective. The process was so helpful because it really solidified our voice and how we communicate our offering.
GG: How do you balance work and family?
I’m not great at it, to be honest! I struggle to turn off but having a flexible schedule helps a lot. I can work until the kids get home, get them settled, fit in a bit more work and then manage the nighttime routine. Because I am juggling the kids, a business, and our home all without childcare, my brain runs constantly and leaves me exhausted by the end of the day. But I wouldn’t trade it – the alternatives all have their drawbacks too. We are all just trying to make it work!
GG: What’s the best part about being a “Mompreneur” and running your own business?
I love seeing a concept that at its core served me so well when I had my babies, taking hold here. It has been a labor (no pun intended) of love and I take pride in seeing The Parent Collective grow. Running my own business means I can be at the bus to pick my kids up or attend the random Valentine’s Day parties (which are always in the middle of the day – what’s up with that!?). I don’t have a ‘boss’ but I feel responsible for making this business as successful as possible – not just for me but for our team in New York City, New Jersey, Long Island, and Connecticut. I am definitely my harshest critic but I love having the flexibility to create a schedule that works for my family.
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