One of the most asked questions on our social media is “how can I prepare for twins/triplets?! What do I need?!” Don’t worry, mama – we have your back! We rounded up some of our favorite items for moms of twins, and polled our baby planners to see what they always recommend for new families of multiples, too. Anything here you recommend and don’t see? Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page. We asked our Instagram moms and dads what twin products they suggested, you can check out their answers here.
So, what do our baby planners suggest parents of multiples add to their registry? And, what tips do they have for new parents of multiples?
Amber + Kimmie of Your Milk Shoppe:
- Product must have: Our number one rec for twin moms is the Weego Baby Carrier. We have a strong relationship with the local Moms of Multiples chapters in the Upstate and this product continues to come up as “the life saver.”
- Best tip: Their needs will constantly compete, but you’re only one person. Some days you’ll feel like a total rockstar, and other days you won’t ever find your rhythm… and that’s OK. Be easy on yourself. The essentials: baby carrier, stroller, car seat – make sure they’re lightweight and make your life easier, not harder!
- Product must have: Baby Jogger City Select Stroller
- Best tip: If you can afford to hire a postpartum doula, do it. Or ask friends and family to help out by creating a sign up sheet for things you need help with.
Victoria Zimmerman of Aspen Baby Planners:
- Product must have: Baby Bjorn Soft or Bliss Bouncer with Googly Eye Toy Bar – this bouncy seat is great for soothing fussy babies and a must have for feeding more than one baby at once (and with its simple and adjustable recline options, you can easily go from a more upright feeding position straight into a reclined resting position without having to take baby out!). Added bonus: it folds flat in an instant making it ideal for slipping under the couch when your house feels over run with 2x the baby gear! (See more below on the Bouncer Bliss!)
- Best tip: Just because you have 2 hands doesn’t mean you should always be able to handle 2 babies at once. It’s okay if one is fussing while you’re taking care of their sibling. They’ll learn each others noises, learn to sleep through one another’s fussing, and even learn to be patient and trust that you’ll always meet their needs – even if it takes a few minutes longer (this is especially true if you have MORE than two babies!). Take deep belly breaths when you feel overwhelmed and remind yourself that there is no such thing as a perfect parent – your job is just to be good and kind and to love your babies, whatever that looks like!
- Product must have: My Breast Friend Pillow; there is just no better twin nursing pillow. It is nice and firm so you can set two babies on it and latch them one at a time. I joke that it is the worlds largest fanny pack.
- Best tips: 1. Reach out for help. A prenatal lactation visit can help you make a plan for feeding your babies. In addition to there being more babies to feed they are usually born preterm. Even if they are considered term for twins, babies born before 38 weeks have a hard time getting started with feedings. 2. Get a postpartum doula. A postpartum doula is a step above a night nurse or family and neighbor help because they can help set up systems and teach you tricks of the trade like: how to set up 2 babies for bath time, how to pick up two crying babies at once, how to set up your van to accommodate your twins and older child. All things I did for families back when I was a postpartum doula. Even if you can only afford a few sessions, put a link to a local postpartum doula on your Gugu Guru registry and ask for it as a gift from family and friends. The things you will learn and the extra set of hands is just so valuable.
- Check out Victoria’s latest Instagram live all about breastfeeding!
Valerie Trumbrower of Nurturing Doula:
- Product must have: My number one product recommendation for twin parents to be (if they plan to breastfeed) is the My Breast Friend twins nursing pillow. I love that it is stable and large enough to comfortably hold a baby on each side. Getting the hang of nursing twins definitely takes time but this pillow is a great tool in making things a lot easier.
- Best tip: My #1 piece of advice for twin parents is this: There will be a lot of times when someone is crying. Maybe just one baby, maybe both, perhaps an older sibling or even you. Just remind yourself that you are doing the very best you can at that moment! You only have two hands, you can only be in one place at a time, so that often means that someone has to be patient. Sometimes that means that one baby cries while you are changing another baby, or that an older child cries while you are getting both babies to sleep so you can read to him/her. Whatever the case try not to let yourself get too upset, you are doing the very best you can!!!
- Product must haves: Twin Z Pillow – I usually suggest this pillow over the BreastFriend because it’s a multi-purpose pillow. You can use it for breastfeeding or bottle feeding, and it can be more comfortable for moms who may have had a c-section. Additionally, the pillow grows with the babies – it can be used to prop the babies up, for tummy time, allows the babies to be close to one another, and can be used as a floor pillow for movies or cuddle time as the babies grow into childhood. Baby Relax Hadley Double Rocker – I love this and suggest this as a purchase for the nursery, especially for families with multiples or who already have older children. It’s great because it’s 1 1/2 times the size of a regular glider which makes feedings and cuddle time so much easier with two or more babies (more room = more comfort!) In addition, the rocker is big enough to fit a toddler or an older sibling so everyone can comfortably enjoy story time. There is also a matching ottoman which is great for storage.
- Best tips: 1. Always have your major purchases (car seats, cribs, strollers, nursery fully stocked, etc.) by 28 weeks MAX. Many women can be put on bed rest when they are expecting multiples, so it’s important to have everything done and set up well before that time! 2. Invest in two strollers that can grow with the family and have different configurations – one in which car seats can clip into for the quick errands (no one wants to lug 2+ car seats around or bring out a heavy stroller for a quick trip into the supermarket) and another sturdy double stroller which can be used for walks and longer trips.
Abby Ludwig, Gugu Guru Registry Consultant:
- Product Must Have: Without a doubt, my number one suggested product for moms of multiples is a good stroller. Your stroller instantly becomes your lifeline to the outside world, and makes it possible to leave your home when it feels like the walls are caving in.
- Best tips: (Read Abby’s post on how to survive the first few months with twins on Twiniversity!) Organization is your BEST friend! Bringing two new munchkins home for the first time can be just *slightly* overwhelming. Okay, who am I kidding? It can be downright terrifying. Between the napping, the nursing, the pumping, and the pooping it can be nearly impossible to keep everything straight. Taking a few minutes throughout the day to keep things organized will greatly save your sanity. Sidenote for solely bottle feeders: Make all of your bottles first thing in the morning and store them in the fridge for easy feedings throughout the rest of the day! This helps do away with the stress of the instant baby screams the moment hunger pangs hit.
- You can see space saving tips for parents of multiples by Abby here, too!
Gugu Guru recommends:
Stuck on You Name Labels: When it comes to twins, there are a lot of things to label – you want to make sure everything from clothing to bottles to formula containers are labeled properly. We’re huge fans of Stuck on You Labels to make YOUR life easier! Stuck On You Name Labels are safe in the microwave, dishwasher and freezer, plus they come with a scratch resistant coating making them waterproof and super long lasting. If you’re little ones are heading to daycare, we recommend using the labels on blankets, lovies, shoes, clothes, food, and more. Plus, Stuck on You Name Labels are super easy to customize – you can do coordinating colors for twins with the same font, or switch it up and do two totally different labels to ease any confusion. No matter which design you pick, you’re going to need something to label all of those bottles and toys, especially when other people are watching your kids!
BabyBjorn Bouncer Bliss: When Gugu Guru teamed up with Noelle from Oh Happy Play to help prepare her room for twin baby boys, we highly recommended the BabyBjorn Bouncer Bliss – they are one of our all-time favorite baby items, whether you’re having one, two, or three! The BabyBjorn Bouncer Bliss is wonderfully safe and supportive space for baby to relax while in the same room as the rest of the family. It’s lightweight, so you can carry it from room-to-room, too. Parents of multiples say that the BabyBjorn Bouncer Bliss is a must-have for feeding time, even as the babies transition to baby food. The gentle rocking creates a sense of bliss and tranquility, not just at the beginning of a baby’s life, but later on as well. By having a safe space for baby to recline on the floor, it promotes interaction with other family members, especially siblings. Baby can sit face-to-face with their siblings for baby games and play time. The soft and natural rocking, completely powered by the baby, requires no batteries or cords. This encourages babies’ interaction with their sense of balance and motor skills, by rocking in response to their own movements. If you’re a minimalist mama, or want to keep baby-tech at a minimum, these are ideal for your twin nursery. Plus, they fold up super easily in case you need extra room.
Need more help to prep for twins or triplets? Check out these posts:
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