For moms planning on returning to work after the birth of their baby, planning ahead when making your registry is vitally important. Beyond cute outfits for your bundle of joy, it’s important to have a variety of things on hand that will make your life easier when it’s time to transition back to work.
We’ve put together a list of items that everyone from expectant working moms to those actively preparing to head back to the office can use.
For Expectant Working Moms
Blisslets Sofia + Cecilia Nausea Relief Bracelets – $29.99

You’ve heard of acupressure bracelets providing nausea relief for travel, right? That’s what these deliver–but with style! You’ll get relief from morning (or all day) sickness with these beautiful bracelets without any side effects. They’ll add a little extra something to any outfit you wear to work during pregnancy.
Belly Bandit Upsie Belly® Belly Wrap – $69.95

As your baby grows, you might find yourself needing a little extra support throughout your work day. This belly support band works for working moms during their pregnancies, helping to support the extra weight whether sitting at a desk or walking around all day.
For Working Moms Who Pump
Nanobebe Milk Storage Bags & Organizer – $9.99

Working moms have to stay organized in order to get everything done. We love how the flat nanobebe breastmilk bags fit in this organizer for your freezer. Put the oldest milk at the top and remove the guessing game from opening the freezer. We also have some pumping tips for working moms.
The Larken X – $48.00

This comfortable bra is the perfect selection for working moms who need to pump during the day. It’s wire free and comfortable, complete with hands free pumping in a snap-free, zipper-free, clip-free, patent-pending design. It’s a must-have, for sure!
For Work-At-Home Moms
DockATot Deluxe+ Dock – $195.99

Keep your baby nearby with this adorable marble patterned Dockatot. Your baby will be safe at an arm’s reach while you’re on your next conference call. Then you can hang out and get some tummy time in between meetings. Additionally, if you’re working from home, you may want to check out some advice for working moms; it was written in 2020 and still applies today.
Babymoov Travelnest Portable Bassinet – $89.99
Then when it’s time for a nap, you can move your little sleeper over to the Babymoov bassinet. Instead of running them back to their nursery and risk waking them up, you can simply set them down right next to you. You’ll be able to keep working while they take a restful nap. It would fit in just right in the ultimate work-at-home mom office.
For All Working Moms
Belly Bandit MT Moto Leggings – $89.95
Black leggings are a must. These moto leggings from Belly Bandit offer compression that keeps your postpartum belly firmly in place. The moto detailing will pair well with just about anything. However, they also have some solid black leggings without the moto effect, too.
Kibou Bag – $89.00
It’s described as a “deliberately minimal diaper bag,” but it’s so much more than that. It may look small, but looks are deceiving. You can wear it in a variety of ways, including crossbody and as a fanny pack. It’s got hidden card slots and holds more than you might imagine. It even has a detachable changing pad that unfolds from the back flap.
These are just a few of the must-have baby registry items for working moms. What items did you have on your registry that have proven to be your favorite as you’ve returned to work?
More for mom:
Working Mom Must-Haves: Kindred Bravely Brands
Time Saving Tips for Working Moms