It’s no secret that parenting can be exhausting, but finding childcare can take time and money – today’s guest blogger, Cassie Taylor, rounded up 8 childcare options for when you desperately need to drive around drinking a PSL without a baby in the backseat.
1. Grandparents: If you are lucky enough to live by family, don’t hesitate to ask for a helping hand! Most likely grandparents are happy to take your baby, or come over and hold them while you relax, do the laundry or binge watch GOT.
2. Gym Facility: Most gyms have a child care center that will takes you kiddo while you exercise (for a small fee). Get back your post baby body while you start your mom empire on the stationary bike, meet new friends in a Zumba class or just use the time to sit in peace in the sauna and take a long hot shower. (Looking for maternity fitness attire?)
3. IKEA: If you kid is potty trained you can get a good 2 hours of child care while you grab some lunch, buy towels or plan out your next kitchen renovation. Bonus, they have free wifi in the Cafe! (We love Ikea!)
4. Hourly child care: Some centers offer hourly child care, so you only have to pay per hour. You can easily find them through parent websites or google them on Yelp. Make sure they are certified with a good reputation. There are also plenty of Mother’s Day out programs run through local churches that allow you a good chunk of time to drop you kid off. (Check out some of our suggestions for daycare essential items)
5. Trade With Other Parents: Ask another trusted mom to watch you kid for an hour or two; trade with her back and forth and you will both get child free time to grocery shop or get a facial. We stumbled across the Komae app and had to share it with all of our families looking for childcare options! Komae is the only app which helps parents build their village and trade childcare; you can join for free, and have trusted people in your village watch your child so you can get a break – in the meantime, they receive points for helping out, which they can in turn use to have you help watch their kids! Modern day village parenting for the win. Instead of giving away your hard earned cash to your local teenage babysitter, how about swapping Komae points with other moms? Spend your money on dinner, not on a sitter! So how does it work? All Komae accounts start with 20 points in the bank. Spend points when your friends babysit your children. Earn points when you babysit for friends. It’s really that simple! Download the app for free today.
6. TV/ Toys and a Baby gate: As much as we don’t want to admit it, TV is a great way to keep your child’s attention occupied if you need a break to catch your mom-breath.
7. Mother’s Helpers: Ask around in your community if anyone knows a responsible young gal willing to help out. If you plan to stay home while the babysitter is there, you may consider a girl in her early teens to watch your little dude/gal while you get things done around the house.
8. University and College campuses: Many college campus offer childcare options for students at a cheaper rate than other centers and can offer part time childcare. Discover a new passion or finish a degree while your child is in good hands.
Featured photo products: SoundBub by WAVHello; Permanently Exhausted Tank by Mom Life Must Haves
Cassie Taylor is an artist who lives with her husband and 2.5 year old son. You can find her on her website (feature photo by Cassie, featuring Mom Life Must Have’s Permanently Exhausted tank), and on Instagram.
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