Gugu Guru has recently had the pleasure of working with the lovely and gorgeous actress and mama-to-be Claire Holt. You may know Claire from the ever popular Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars and we are thrilled to have her on the blog today sharing some wise words on her pregnancy journey. Claire has rounded up her top 4 picks that have helped her feeling empowered and strong during her pregnancy. You can follow Claire and her pregnancy journey on Instagram.
1) Gugu Concierge: I cannot say enough great things about this incredible service. I was so overwhelmed by the sheer mass of information out there – friends ‘must have’ lists, blogs, baby-centric websites, not to mention the millions of amazon reviews. Everywhere I looked there was conflicting information. How was I supposed to narrow it down to what I really needed? How could I be sure that I was making the right choice for my little man? I thank my lucky stars every day for Monica, Julie and Abby over at GG. They were completely in tune with my lifestyle and style preferences, which allowed them to recommend the best products for my family. It was all so simple and efficient, and I will always be grateful to them for helping me navigate this crazy, life changing journey.
2) Ava Bracelet: I suffered from pretty significant anxiety during my pregnancy, which I’m sure is the result of my previous miscarriage. Once I started to use the Ava, I felt the sense of dread ease. It gives me really valuable health insights and monitors my sleep and stress levels. I’m the type of person who feels more in control of my situation if I have as much information as possible, so this is incredibly helpful. I’m excited to use the bracelet throughout my postpartum journey, as I become familiar with my body again. I’ll certainly be using it when I’m ready to try for baby 2 (WHICH IS A LONGGGG WAY OFF!!!).
3) Lori Bregman: My doula, Lori, has been a true angel! She has worked with me throughout this journey to prepare for childbirth, postpartum, and all of the major changes to come. I have such a strong bond with Lori and feel so ready to face Labor Day with her by my side! Her ‘no judgement’ approach really resonates with me. I’ve noticed that there is a lot of mommy-shaming when it comes to birth and beyond, and I love that Lori is actively working to challenge that. Her books “The Mindful Mom-to-Be” and “Mamaste” are really insightful, and I felt like I first connected to my son while doing one of the meditations in her book. I know that most readers don’t live in LA/have access to Lori, but I would still highly recommend hiring a doula!
4) Dr Elliot Berlin: I’m certain I would be wheelchair bound if it weren’t for Dr B! He is an incredible chiropractor who has eased all of my aches and pains over the past 9 months. Dr Berlin is so knowledgeable, especially when it comes to pregnancy. He’s like a walking encyclopedia! What is so special about him is that he’s like a therapist to me in addition to a healer. Every time I leave a session, I come away comforted and empowered by his stories, his guidance, and his kindness. Again, not everyone will be able to visit this wizard, however I really believe that chiropractic work is so beneficial during pregnancy.
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