Check out Mom Creator Ainsley Brock. Ainsley is a mom to a beautiful toddler, full-time hairstylist, makeup artist, content creator, and student! She aims to show her daughter that hard work mixed with passion can create a beautiful life worth living and to show others that life can be beautiful, even on the most mundane day!
Gugu Guru: Tell us your favorite thing to do when you’re not creating content.
Ainsley Brock: I love spending time with my daughter. We do lots of snuggling, reading, and singing together. We even take a music class together!
GG: What is your favorite snack?
AB: I love anything salty and sweet! Chocolate-covered pretzels or M&M’s and pretzels are my guilty pleasures!
GG: What kind of content do you love to create?
AB: I love creating lifestyle content. My day-to-day life may seem boring, but once you see it on social media, it looks relatable and interesting!
GG: What are your top 5 Mom Must-Haves?
AB: Coffee, my iPhone, my EvenFlo stroller wagon, Amazon leggings, and a solid set of nails on!
GG: What are some of your favorite products and brands?
AB: This is so hard! My favorite self-care products right now are the Stratia Liquid Gold, Byoma Eye Serum, and Lume Deodorant. My favorite parenting products are Melissa and Doug Toys and farm fresh fruit for my daughter to snack on!
You can find Ainsley on TikTok, Instagram, and Pillar! Give her a follow!
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