We’re big fans of any product that helps keep mama organized, especially while traveling during the holiday season. When we came across the genius Portable Diaper Bag Organizer Inserts from Easy Baby, we knew we wanted to share them with our readers. Today, founder Danielle Cohen is here to talk about creating a business and her oh so helpful bags for mamas.
GG: How and why did you start your Easy Baby?
DC: Having a baby (now toddler) is a beautiful gift that I am thankful for every day. What I was not thankful for was the abundance of “stuff” that was necessary to pack in my diaper bag to take my son out of the house. You had the diapers, wipes, creams, formula, snacks, back-up clothes… the list went on and on. I found that I would remember to pack everything on my list, only to not be able to find it during crunch time. My son would start wailing, but my meticulously packed diaper bag became a tornado and I became frantic to find ANYTHING I needed. I refused to use plastic bags as recommended by some veteran mothers because it didn’t help me find things faster. I still needed to pull each bag out to see what they contained. I then created Easy Baby, a color-coded organization set to help me find everything I needed in a flash while I was on my second week of maternity leave. It started with the basics: a green “Change Me” tote for the diapering needs, a purple “Feed Me” tote for feeding and burping needs, an orange insulated “Feed Me” tote to store freshly pumped milk or cups of yogurt and a blue “Dress Me” tote for back-up clothes in situations of diaper blowouts or messy eating. When some ladies in my mommy group saw the set they thought it was genius. They encouraged me to mass-produce, and I did. As my son grew, our needs changed and I have kept adding to the line to address those needs with “Change Me” changing pads, “Entertain Me” for toy storage, a water resistant “Clean Me” tote for dirty clothes and a red “Comfort Me” medicine bag, all color-coded and all easy to find.
GG: How do you balance work and family?
DC: Balancing work life and a family is a challenge that I am sure a lot of parents face. I am happy to be mother to a beautiful boy, Phineas, who is an energetic and amazing toddler. During the week when Phin is home we are sure to have computers and phones away to give him the attention he deserves.
I am extremely lucky to have unconditional support from my husband, Jason, to create and build this brand and also co-parent like champions. The whole endeavor is truly a family affair. Jason serves as my product photographer and is constantly teaching me the ropes of building a company. He is extremely knowledgeable in the tech world. Phin even helps out and serves as the CMO-in-Training! He likes to take our phones and will take selfies which we feature on our Instagram as #SelfieSunday.
GG: What’s the best part of being a “Mompreneur” and running your own business?
DC: The best part of being a Mompreneur is creating something that can truly make a routine just a little bit easier when navigating the new world of parenthood. I have a great platform that I am able to constantly grow as my son grows. This is also a great opportunity to teach Phin that he too can take an idea and run with it. With hard work and determination he can do anything!
these are really useful and a neat way to keep track of ‘stuff’