Here at Gugu Guru, we’re proponents of any products and ideas which make mealtime easier for the family; which is why we’re so excited to introduce Lindsey Laurain of ezpz! ezpz features placemats, bowls, and mealtime tools which are not only healthy and safe for babies and kids, but promote self-feeding skills and independence in young children.
GG: How and why did you start ezpz?
LL: Our life can be pretty chaotic, especially at mealtime, and my husband and I were fed up with the messiness and cleanup time dedicated to each meal. One night (in the midst of his frustration) my husband said, “Someone needs to create something kids can’t toss or throw at meals!” The next day I hopped online and, low and behold, nothing exists. From that day on I was committed to creating products that made meals with kids ezpz – and that is how the Happy Mat came to be!
GG: How do you balance work and family?
Balancing work and family is a constant challenge, but I do my best! I try to shut down my computer when the kids get home from school and spend some time giving each one of my three boys the attention they deserve. One thing I love about starting ezpz from scratch has been teaching the boys about what you can achieve with hard work, a positive attitude and teamwork.
GG: What’s the best part of being a “Mompreneur” and running your own business?
The best part of being an entrepreneur is having an amazing team and community! I have the pleasure of working with my best friends, husband and brother! Our community (ezpz fans and supporters) are also phenomenal; they keep us motivated and upbeat even when times are tough.
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