It’s no secret that Gugu Guru is a big fan of the Whole30, so when we got the chance to interview the mama behind the Whole 30’s Healthy Mama, Happy Baby program, we were beyond excited! Stephanie Greunke is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition who specializes in women’s health. She is a certified personal trainer and prenatal and postnatal corrective exercise specialist. Stephanie guides and supports women locally and globally through her web-based private practice, She also hosts a podcast called Real Food Mamas, which is available for free on iTunes and Stitcher. Together with Melissa Hartwig of the Whole30©, Stephanie created Healthy Mama, Happy Baby, a virtual pregnancy handbook consisting of a series of short videos with comprehensive information meant to guide women throughout their entire pregnancy. Read below to learn more about Stephanie Greunke.
GG: How and why did you start Rock Your Hormones, and how did the Happy Mama, Healthy Baby program come about?
SG: I originally started Rock Your Hormones to support women dealing with a wide variety of women’s health issues (such as PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea, endometriosis, and infertility). As I started helping women heal their bodies and resolve their hormonal complaints, they ended up getting pregnant! I then switched my focus to prenatal/postnatal health to continue to provide optimal care for the women in my practice. I love educating women on how to optimize their diet and lifestyle to support a healthy, enjoyable pregnancy and postpartum. I empower women with the information they need to make the best choices for themselves and their family when it comes to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
During my first pregnancy, I realized how much misinformation was out there when it came to pregnancy. I kept reading conflicting information and became frustrated that women were confused about what to believe and were scared about veering off from the conventional path, even if it didn’t feel right. Melissa Hartwig of the Whole30 had a very similar experience to mine and we decided together to create something different. We created a virtual pregnancy handbook that replaces the conflicting, fear-mongering information currently available to pregnant women with a common sense, open-minded, positive approach to pregnancy. We continue to update the program with the latest evidenced-based recommendations and support the women on a daily basis through our private Facebook community.
How do you balance work and family?
I do my best to keep them separate. When I’m with my kids, I’m WITH my kids. When I’m working, I’m working. I used to try and tackle a quick e-mail or two while my son was independently playing, but found that I would easily become frustrated if he needed my attention before I was done. I felt that wasn’t fair for either of us, so now my computer stays in the office and I set my phone on a table far enough away from our play area, so I’m not tempted to check social media during playtime.
I hired a nanny when my first son was about nine months to give me more time for work. It was important for me to spend the first six plus months with him, but as he approached his first birthday, I was ready to add more work hours to my day. Starting when he was a year and a half, I had him spend Monday – Friday morning with our nanny in order to give me time to work on my business. I picked him up from the nanny, feeling refreshed and productive, so I could spend the remaining day present with him.
I just had a second son in October, and lucked out with a great napper. Since I’m not ready for him to be with a nanny, I use his naptimes to work. I have to be extremely organized and focused because my work time is condensed. I pick no more than three tasks to accomplish each day, and say “no” to a lot of business opportunities. I give myself grace with my business knowing that this is a short season, and I will be able to put in more work hours once he’s a little older. As long as I’m doing a little bit every day to maintain my business, I’m happy. And if mama’s happy, everyone is happy.
What’s the best part about being a “Mompreneur” and running your own business?
I love having a flexible schedule. With young kids, they are bound to get sick (a lot). Even with all the nutrition/wellness tricks in the world, their immune systems are constantly being challenged and it’s a good thing for them to get sick every now and then. Being able to take a “day off” without having to check in with a boss and enjoying the extra snuggles makes being a mompreneur the best option for me right now.
In addition to being a mom, I’m a military wife. We move every couple of years, so having a virtual private practice and online program is such a blessing. I don’t have to worry about starting and quitting jobs every few years because everything is online.
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