Guest Blog By Jeanine Finelli
You have fallen in love…a deep and unconditional love…with your new little miracle. There are no lengths you wouldn’t go to in order to provide comfort and safety for your baby, right? It is also imperative that you take care of yourself now too! Reducing your toxic load is one of the best ways to keep your own supply of energy topped off so that you can continue to be the life support for those you love. Your hormones may be on a crazy roller coaster ride, and your emotions can seem somewhat delicate these days. Fear not! Here are four ways to begin feeling like your self again. In fact, here are four ways to begin feeling even better than your old self ever did!
1. Stay hydrated – You’ve heard this one before but little things mean a lot! Aim for half your body weight in ounces per day. (I know! Just when you thought your trips to the bathroom where finally dwindling…sorry!) This will help to flush extra fat, keep skin clear, take the edge off of cravings, improve digestion, and help you sleep. Ultima Replenisher is a great way to liven up boring water and provide necessary electrolytes that we all need to stay hydrated. It’s all natural, GMO free and gluten free.
2. Stop committing Nutritional Slaughter! Having a baby or toddler is a round the clock job, one we love, but let’s call a spade a spade…it is exhausting! What you need now…and forever…is a lifestyle that supports high nutrition. That means choosing quality protein (non chemicalized protein products and whole foods), fiber from fruits and vegetables, and vitamins and minerals from whole foods such as nuts and greens. A diet of processed, quick, fast foods will not support you during those sleepless nights, teething and temper tantrums, or just plain old worrying about your babe! Choose real foods without nutrition labels as much as possible. Things like wild salmon, avocados, nuts, apples, cucumbers have no ingredient lists. It’s actually easier than you think because most of those foods travel well in a purse or diaper bag and never require refrigeration. SCORE!
3. Ask for help! Sure we are all busy with “life” and it seems now more so than ever! Kids, careers, commitments and family all demand us to be present, ready, willing and able. Who’s got your back? Learning to ask for help is so difficult for many of us, but now is not the time to suffer in silence. Reach out to someone who can make your day a little easier. Perhaps a friend can run to the store for you? Maybe your mother can stay take your toddler out while you meet a friend for coffee. Guilt Smilt! Free yourself because you are not just a parent. You are a human being with needs, and when those needs are met, you can become infused with new life and energy for those you love. It really is a win-win for all involved! Go ahead, and text that friend for a favor or for coffee because the world will not fall apart…it may just fall together.
4. Consider a superior cleanse – Once you are done nursing and you talk with your physician, if the time has come for you to hit that reset button, consider launching a new lifestyle with a supportive and structured easy to follow cleanse. The Purium Ten Day Transformation has provided thousands with a simple way to reduce cravings, reset metabolism, and lose 5-15 pounds in ten days…the right and healthy way! It is a fantastic option for anyone, male or female, to reclaim control of their habits and begin to balance hormones, sleep better and get back to the old you …only healthier and with more energy than ever before. For information, visit
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