When it comes to designing a nursery, it seems as though the days of “blue or pink?” or “jungle animals or zoo animals?” are long gone! Nowadays, there are new nursery trends for millennial parents; it’s all about pattern, texture, and design elements – palm trees or flamingos? Gold polka dots or navy stripes? Whatever your style is, designing a nursery should be fun, so we rounded up some gorgeous nurseries for inspiration.
1. Black and White Nurseries: keep it chic and cool with these black and white styled nurseries – perfect for gender neutral rooms or when you don’t want to find out which sex you’re having. (Photo: Project Nursery)
Black and white isn’t your thing? Check out these red, white, and blue nurseries.
2. Gender Neutral Nurseries: This nursery inspiration from Lot801 has so many elements which are popular right now for nursery trends: the animal print on the wall, little gold animals, palm print, and even fresh plants in the nursery.
3. Gray nurseries: Gray nurseries are super popular for nursery trends right now, as they are gender neutral, grow easily with your baby’s style and complement so many other colors, so you can add pops of any color you want to the room! (Photo: Little Adi)
4. Botanical Style Nurseries: Palm trees, succulents, plants, oh my! Going for a crisp and cool look, many parents are opting for one of the most popular nursery trends, with botanical style nurseries – you can go palm and succulent, or you can always go floral, too! (Photo: Alissandra B)
Looking for even more nursery trends inspiration? Check out some of our nursery posts!
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